During the 1920’s immigrants from many countries flocked to America, fleeing religious and political persecution or merely seeking a better life. Among them were Christians from the Middle East. These Eastern Catholics, just like the Orthodox, from the land where Christianity was born and flourished, came to America bringing with them the hope of continuing their religious traditions in this new land. For years, as in other parts of this country, parishes of the Eastern Christian tradition were established including in Atlanta.
The small Melkite Catholic Community of Atlanta worked with hope and enthusiasm after World War II to raise money to build or buy their own church in the city. In the summer of 1954, Rev. Fr. William Haddad came to Atlanta as their new priest. Shortly after in 1955, the parish fortunately purchased the Candler home from the American Legion for $62,000 and in 1957, it was placed under the patronage of our Holy Father among the Saints, John Chrysostom and was dedicated by Archbishop Francis Hyland, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Atlanta. This was before the Melkite Hierarchy was formerly established in this country by the Apostolic Exarch Justin Najmy, of blessed memory, the first Melkite Bishop of America.

In 1975, Joseph Lorenz, the Candlers’ original artist, who, among other things, designed the original leaded glass ceiling, was contracted by the church to once again add the brilliance and majesty of colors to the ceilings and walls of the structure. Today, the ongoing transformation to bring it closer to its authentic and traditional, spiritual identity continues. The original greenhouse behind the building still stands. A former garage with servants quarters up above was torn down. On November 30, 1983, Archbishop Joseph Tawil, of blessed memory, the first Eparch of the Melkite Diocese of Newton, dedicated in its place a new Church Hall.
In 1998, Exarch William Haddad retired as Pastor and was succeeded by Rev. Fr. Jean Ghaby, who became Assistant Pastor of St. Ann Melkite Church, West Paterson, N.J., followed by Rt. Rev. Archimandrite John Azar (2000-2022), and our current pastor, Fr. Elias Dorham (2023-present).
The Melkite parish in Atlanta, many of its dedicated pioneers now deceased, has maintained the original vision of grandeur and majesty of a splendid structure. It has now been redirected into the creation of a beautiful house of worship to God, the Author of Creation. It serves, not only as a continuing, historical and elegant landmark for the city of Atlanta, a reminder of the soft drink magnate whose fame is throughout the city but also as a welcoming place for all who wish to come and be with us in this small section of Paradise.
For an expanded Melkite history, please visit our sister church’s website: https://www.steliasmelkite.org/history
The Candler Mansion
From a mansion to a Church, the Holy Icons of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and the Saints now gaze from their heavenly abode out over what once was a Pompeiian-inspired atrium court with a carved marble fountain, marble statues from Europe, resplendent with plush oriental carpets and flanked by sixteen marble columns.
Today, during our services, incense rises to a vaulted, pale sea green, leaded glass ceiling which dramatically illuminates the church…this little “heaven on earth” …as it did some sixty years before when it served as a private residence.
Where once was an elegant 20×34 foot dining room with a massive carved dining table and a marble mantle, overshadowed with paintings, now stands a baldacchino canopy and Holy Altar, made of marble from a quarry in Tate, GA. Resting upon it is an ornate 18 karat gold plated tabernacle from Greece. Behind it are a seven-branched candelabra, and two golden fans, representing the angels around the throne of God in heaven. At this Holy Altar, our priest now intones the Divine Liturgy and we are transported to another place and time for the rest of the liturgical service. Here, another banquet takes place as a mirror of the Heavenly Banquet.
Before all of this present and holy utilization of this place, this magnificent neo-classical mansion with its exterior of cream-colored brick and white marble columns, inviting the onlooker to come up the circular driveway, was formerly the home of Asa Candler, the Coca Cola magnate, and his wife Lucy Elizabeth Howard, having purchased the soft drink rights in 1891 for $2,300.00. After a trip to Italy, he, a devout Methodist, built this grand home at the cost of $210,000.00 in 1916. It is set on two acres of land at 1428 Ponce de Leon Avenue in the Druid Hills Section of Atlanta.
A former music room in the home provided a splendid atmosphere for visits by prominent persons and numerous social teas. As it was to the left of the main entry hall, which is now the “Narthex” (entrance) to our church, it was large enough to serve as a Heritage Room with its deep pile Chinese carpet. With its ivory paneled walls, elaborately designed ceiling and windows of stained Czechoslovakian glass, it not only had a grand piano but also a huge pipe organ. This music room is now a “Para Ecclesia” or Chapel dedicated to the Mother of God and serves also as our Baptistry, where candidates for the Faith are given the Holy Mysteries (Sacraments) of Christian Initiation. Greek and Russian Icons presently adorn these walls. A twin of the music room stands to the right of the entrance and serves the parish as a Heritage Room. Once the Candler library, it is still lined with the original custom built-in mahogany bookshelves. Still intact is the oversized fireplace of Italian marble which Mr. Candler had acquired from the home of James English, Jr. Purchasing the English residence at Peachtree and Prescott Streets, Candler used the bricks, doorknobs and other items in his new home.
What is now the nave or the main body of our beautiful church was once a magnificent 35 x 65 foot sunken atrium court, mentioned above, with its pink marble and mosaic floor. Doorways from the five former bedrooms opened onto the court. Along with four bathrooms, each bedroom had a high ceiling and each had been furnished with antique mahogany. These doorways have since been filled with lighted, stained glass depicting various Saints.
The parish community , through its clergy and architects, retained most of the interior structure. The floor of the once Roman-styled court has since been raised, covered and fitted with pews for the faithful attending services. Eight of the marble columns of the center court were removed in order to offer the congregation a better view of the Holy Place or the Sanctuary.
The clergy residence, office and work rooms have been integrated in these former bedrooms as part of the original building and wrap around the center area utilized as the church, separated by a corridor.
On this same level, just as it was during the Candler era, there still remains a large tiled breakfast room and kitchen area and pantry. A conference room and formal dining room are adjacent. All the bathrooms retain their original plumbing fixtures of that era with deep oval and bathtubs and marble shower stalls. Formerly, during the time of the Candlers residing here, the maid’s quarters were situated upstairs. The basement, where the Candlers had a game room for their guests and grandchildren, also still boasts of a single bowling alley.