About Commemorations

During the Divine Liturgy there are prayers (usually recited silently by the priest) during which specific needs are mentioned. Prayers are recited for the sick, for benefactors of the church, for the departed, for those who are suffering, etc. Often people will ask the priest to remember someone by name at the holy altar. They usually give a special donation, called a “stipend” which is a gift to the church in remembrance of the departed or on behalf of someone who is living for whom a special commemoration is requested. Sometimes the person requesting a commemoration will offer the bread, wine, incense, etc. which are used during the Divine Liturgy.

When the priest is preparing the bread and wine for the Divine Liturgy during the Prothesis or Proskomedia (from the Greek προσκομιδή, “offering”), he places a particle of the holy bread on the diskos in remembrance of each individual commemorated. These particles are placed near the Agnos or “Lamb”, the portion of the holy bread that is to become the Body of Christ.

During the Great Entrance, when these gifts are carried in procession to the holy altar, the priests may make a special prayer on behalf of those he has been asked to remember by name. And after the Consecration having remembered all the saints in heaven, he silently remembers those who have died and those who are on earth. At this sacred moment, with the faithful gathered around the Immortal Body and Blood of Christ, it is natural for us to pour out our requests and needs at the very Throne of God.

It is also customary, when requesting a commemoration, to inform the persons to be prayed for — or in the case of the departed, their relatives — that an offering has been made on their behalf. This is a tremendous gift and ought not to be reserved only for those who have died. It would be very appropriate to ask for a commemoration for someone who has a special need, is celebrating an anniversary, birthday, etc. or simply as a way of expressing our love for them.

The Divine Liturgy is celebrated always for the whole world. As the text of the Liturgy states, “Lord, you know the needs of each one,” By remembering our loved ones specifically, we are reminded of the grace and power of the Sacred Liturgy, and reminding ourselves and those for whom we pray, that it is only through the power of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit that we are saved, blessed, forgiven, and truly united to one another.

As Christians, we pray for all. That said, we remember different categories of people at different times during the liturgy. To help us determine how best to commemorate your loved one, Please indicate if he/she was baptized Catholic or Orthodox by clicking one of the checkboxes in the form.